Entrepreneur, Leader, Speaker, Writer

Ashley abruptly left a dream job traveling around the world on a cruise ship to pursue an ambitious epiphany–to run 3,200 miles across America on her own to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for a cause. Read more about her journey.

Entrepreneur, Leader, Speaker, Writer


 Ashley Schneider

Ashley is the President & Founder MS Run the US, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness and funds for multiple sclerosis awareness, aid, and research. In 2010, she embarked on a remarkable journey, running 3,288 miles on her own from California to New York for her mother living with MS, raising crucial funds for the charity and earning the distinction of being the 16th woman to ever run across America.

At MS Run the US, Ashley leads key initiatives aimed at developing relationships to advance the organization’s mission and expand its impact. Drawing from her background in Exercise and Sport Science from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Ashley brings a wealth of expertise to her role. Previously, she owned a successful nutrition and fitness business, which she sold in 2014 to dedicate herself fully to MS Run the US.

Today, Ashley leverages her years of experience to inspire, train, and mentor others, encouraging them to envision the possibilities within their reach by challenging their perspectives and embracing their capacity for growth.


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Meaning in the Mess

Meaning In The Mess is Ashley’s online publication and newsletter. It is the space in which she shares expanded thoughts and experiences on leadership, perseverance, purpose and turning ideas into action. Ashley is not interested in sharing only the shiny parts of her life, but rather the whole, complicated view. She writes things she eventually wishes she would delete and chooses to let it stand as the path of her learning. Subscribing to Ashley’s newsletter supports her mission to encourage greatness (however you wish to define that for yourself), her pursuit of writing, and the quest to publish her memoir. If you’re looking for something real, click subscribe!

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In The Press

Recent news articles, interviews, podcasts and more.

To book Ashley for an interview, send a message.

Like a Bigfoot Podcast

In 2010, Ashley ran across the United States from San Francisco to New York City, becoming only the 16th female at the time to complete such a feat.

Lake Effect

How A Wisconsin Woman Ran Across The US, Inspiring Others

Diz Runs Podcast

Ashley Schneider Formed A Team To Run Across The U.S. For MS

Canvas Rebel

Meet Ashley Schneider

Run the Riot

Run the Riot Podcast with Ashley Schneider!

Milwaukee Magazine

The Founder of MS Run the US had Never Trained for a Marathon Before she Decided to Run Across the Country


Ashley helps audiences take action by speaking about purpose and how to turn ideas into a plan. Her keynote presentations are engaging and crowd-centered, leaving a lasting impact on audiences that creates momentum and actionable take-aways for their goals.

Comfortable in both intimate settings and large gatherings, Ashley connects her powerful story to tangible and practical steps, sprinkled with doses of realness and relatability from her own mishaps. Her dynamic stories, stemming from her experiences as an entrepreneur, leader, athlete, and parent, resonate across multiple mediums, appealing to a wide range of audiences.

Key Highlights:

Impactful Public Speaker: Ashley’s presentations are dynamic and crowd-centered, providing audiences with actionable steps towards their goals and leaving a lasting impression.
Experienced Nonprofit Leader: With over 15 years of experience in nonprofit leadership, Ashley has spearheaded initiatives that have raised millions of dollars for the MS cause and knows how to build a thriving program that lasts.
Entrepreneurial Background: As an entrepreneur, Ashley brings a unique perspective to her talks, offering practical insights into success and overcoming challenges.
Athlete and Parent: Ashley is a lifelong athlete and parent of three, offering unique perspectives that further enrich her storytelling, making her presentations relatable and inspiring.

Key Topics:

Beyond Fear: Strategies for embracing the unexpected and creating lasting impact.
The Power Of Adversity: Transforming pain into purpose, plans and tangible impact.
Lasting Impact: Navigating uncertainty with confidence and clarity.


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